Información: ¿Por qué las Matemáticas?

Lista de DVD’s de Michele Emmer:

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  • Moebius Strip, with the artist Max Bill (C)
  • Soap Bubbles, with the mathematicians Fred Almgren and Jean Taylor
  • Platonic Solids, with the mathematician Donald Coxeter
  • Symmetry and tessellations, with the mathematician Roger Penrose
  • Dimensions, with the mathematician Thomas Banchoff and art historian Linda Henderson
  • Helices, with the mathematician White (C)
  • Spirals, with the mathematician André Deledicq (C)
  • Geometry, with the japanese architect Koji Miyazaki
  • Ars Combinatoria, with the mathematician David Singmaster and the artist Max Bill
  • Labyrinths, with the matheamtician Anthony Phillips
  • Computers, with the mathematician Thomas Banchoff
  • Knots, with the mathematician Lee Neuwirth
  • Flatland, all in animation with real objects
  • The Fantastic World of M.C. Escher (C)

Todos los DVD’s están en inglés y en italiano, la mayoría están en francés y los marcados con una (C) están en castellano.
