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Clairaut, Alexis Claude (1713-1765) - Página 4
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Escrito por Pascual Lucas (Universidad de Murcia)   
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Clairaut, Alexis Claude (1713-1765)
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Todas las páginas
  • Carl B. Boyer. A History of Mathematics. Princeton University Press, 1985. pp. 494-495.
  • Florian Cajori. A History of Mathematics. Chelsea Publising Company, 1995. pp. 244-245.
  • Jean-Paul Collete. Historia de las matemáticas, vol. II. Siglo veintiuno de España Editores, S.A., 1985. pp. 216-220.
  • URL: www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/Clairaut.html

Dictionary of Scientific Biography
. New York 1970-1990.

  • P. Brunet. La vie et l'oeuvre de Clairaut (1713-1765). Paris, 1952.
  • J.L. Greenberg. The problem of the Earth's shape from Newton to Clairaut : the rise of mathematical science in eighteenth-century Paris and the fall of 'normal' science. Cambridge, 1995.
  • T.L. Hankins. Jean d'Alembert : science and the englightenment. New York, 1990.
  • J. Bertrand. Clairaut, sa vie et ses travaux, Eloges académiques (1902), 231-261.
  • C.B. Boyer. Clairaut and the origin of the distance formula, Amer. Math. Monthly 55 (1948), 556-557.
  • P. Brunet. La vie et l'oeuvre de Clairaut, Rev. Hist. Sci. Appl. 4 (1951), 13-40, 109-153.
  • P. Brunet. La vie et l'oeuvre de Clairaut, Rev. Hist. Sci. Appl. 5 (1952), 334-349.
  • P. Brunet. La vie et l'oeuvre de Clairaut, Rev. Hist. Sci. Appl. 6 (1953), 1-17.
  • P. Chandler. Clairaut's critique of Newtonian attraction : some insights into his phi-losophy of science, Ann. of Sci. 32 (4) (1975), 369-378.
  • J.L. Greenberg. Breaking a 'vicious circle' : unscrambling A-C Clairaut's iterative method of 1743, Historia Math. 15 (3) (1988), 228-239.
  • V.J. Katz. The history of differential forms from Clairaut to Poincaré, Historia Math. 8 (2) (1981), 161-188.
  • S. Mills. Un théorème de Clairaut, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Vie Académique 290 (1980), Suppl. 20-24, 175-177.
  • P. Speziali. Une correspondance inédite entre Clairaut et Cramer, Rev. Hist. Sci. Appl. 8 (1955), 193-237.
  • R. Taton. Clairaut et le retour de la 'comete de Halley' en 1759, L'Astronomie 100 (1986), 397-408.
  • R. Taton. Sur la diffusion des théories newtoniennes en France : Clairaut et le probl-ème de la figure de la terre, Vistas Astronom. 22 (4) (1978), 485-509.
  • R. Taton. Inventaire chronologique de l'oeuvre d'Alexis-Claude Clairaut (1713-1765), Rev. Histoire Sci. Appl. 29 (2) (1976), 97-122.
  • E. Ulivi. The teaching of elementary algebra : Clairaut (Italian), Archimede 32 (3) (1980), 130-135.
  • C. Wilson. Clairaut's calculations of the eighteenth-century return of Halley's comet, J. Hist. Astronom. 24 (1-2) (1993), 1-15.


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