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REVISTA BEIO | Volumen 33 no. 3, 2017
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Editorial, J. Vidal-Puga

A comparative analysis of tree-based models classifying imbalanced breath alcohol data, M. Alcañiz, M. Santolino, Ll. Ramón

Robust approaches to uncertain optimization, E. Köbis

Applying the generic statistical business process model (GSBPM) to the business register; the Spanish experience, L. Esteban

Positive effects on the least motivated students of the highly motivated ones, R. Ibar-Alonso, C. Cosculluela-Martínez

Ingenuas reflexiones de un estadístico en la era del Big Data, R. Cao

Premios incubadora de sondeos y experimentos, M. Diéguez, R. Manín, P. Blanco, S. Vázquez


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