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REVISTA BEIO | Volumen 25 no. 2, 2009
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I. Garcia

  • Set estimation: Another bridge between statistics and geometry. A. Cuevas
  • Comparing bayesian and corrected least-squares estimators in frontier production models. F. J. Ortega, J. Basulto, J. A. Camuñez
  • Sharing costs airports and highway problems. M. G. Fiestras-Janeiro, M. A. Mosquera
  • Transfer function model identification. V. Gómez
  • Collaborative project based learning for a statistics course. C. J. Pérez, A. Ramos
  • The beginnings of the Official Statistics in the Iberian Peninsula. M. C. Escribano, G. M. Fernández
  • Statistics on technical standards and certification. M. López
  • Some personal reflections on OR. L. F. Escudero
  • Sixto Ríos Insua, a life devoted to decision support. S. Ramos


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