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Los asientos de Möbius de Vito Acconci
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Escrito por Marta Macho Stadler   
Miércoles 24 de Enero de 2018

El artista Vito Acconci (1940-2017) nació un 24 de enero.


© Vito Acconci, Mobius Bench, Fukuroi City, Japón 2000-2001
Translucent Fiberglas, fluorescent light; 75cm x 4m30 x 4m30

Como homenaje en su día, traemos aquí sus ‘bancos de Möbius‘…

Outside the circle, the back of the seat twists to become the seat itself, which twists to become the bottom of the seat…You sit and shift from outside to inside, and vice versa…


© Vito Acconci, Mobius Bench

The Möbius bench is adapted here to the shape of the mall. The bench is forked: one side hugs the building, while the other splits into ‘arms’ — one reaches out toward pedestrians as they walk in from the parking lot…

"Mobius Bench II" (2003) by Vito Acconci

© Vito Acconci, Mobius Bench II, Pasadena 2003
Glass-fiber reinforced concrete, fluorescent light

The Shops on Lake Avenue

© Vito Acconci, Mobius Bench II

Take a strip, a Mobius strip, and make it a seat: the back of the seat twists to become the seat that twists to become the bottom of the seat… Now split the strip, the plane, into sections, into rings, into tubes: the tubes wind and coil like snakes… Sit on the strips, they’re soft like snakes, they’re safe unlike snakes.


© Vito Acconci, Mobius Sofa, 2007

¡Preciosos asientos… aunque no parecen demasiado cómodos!

Bonus: ¿Os parecía poco? Mirad este proyecto de ‘arquitectura de Klein‘ para una zona de juegos…

Klein Bottle

© Vito Acconci, Klein Bottle, 2012

Artículo publicado en el blog de la Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología (ZTF-FCT) de la Universidad del País Vasco ztfnews.wordpress.com.


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